how to

  • Isabella Rotman

DIY Full Cover Harness copyright Isabella Rotman 2015

  • Sam Wall

Many trans or gender non-conforming youth come to us looking for support they're having difficulty finding, or don't feel safe looking for elsewhere. We know from talking with these users that one of the biggest factors in their overall well-being -- and how hard or easy all of this is on them -- is how supported and safe they feel in their identities when around their families. This piece is created with an eye towards how can you support them while dealing with any emotions you might have.

  • Sam Wall

Mental illness is often a hard thing to talk about even at the best of times. There's still so much stigma attached to it and mental healthcare, and a lot of misconceptions about what someone with a mental illness looks or acts like. It can be doubly scary and intimidating if the person dealing with that illness is your child. What can you do to create a more supportive environment for a child who may be coping with mental illness?

  • Heather Corinna

Some helps for the care and keeping of you when you're stressed, depressed, riddled with anxiety or fear or going through something wretched and trying to come out the other side.

  • Sarah Riley
  • Robin Mandell
  • Heather Corinna

Taking charge of our own healthcare can be a daunting task, especially if you don't know how to navigate healthcare systems or work with providers. We're demystifying some of that for you, providing a toolbox to help you make sound decisions and get the best care possible.

  • Heather Corinna
  • Robin Mandell

What positions are there for sex? How do you do them? Which is the best one? And why does everyone seem to think positioning is so complicated when it's really not?

  • Robin Mandell

What I'm hearing a lot of in this question is you wondering if you're okay. So, I wanted to start out by saying: Yes, you are okay, just the way you are. I realize this may not be a comfort, but in spite of how it might seem, there are plenty of 19-year-old folks (plenty of folks of any age, for...

  • Heather Corinna

I thought someone who'd be perfect to answer your questions is one of my favorite young sexual health educators, the marvelous Joanna Dawson, MPH, Teen Health Educator at United Action for Youth. She had some great information and helps for you! Joanna said: To start, good on you and your partner...

  • Heather Corinna

As it is on the road, being attentive to and giving clear signs and signals is a big deal between the sheets. If consenting feels complicated or confusing, here's a guide to clear it up.


Looking for something specific? Start with the search function, right here. Enter your query, like, "pain with sex," or "penis size" or "bumps on vulva" or "relationship troubles," and click the button that says "search." You will be given a list of articles, advice answers, blog entries and other...