
  • Mo Ranyart

The good news is that there's no secret to bringing up unconventional sex acts with a partner; the same basic communication skills that are needed to talk about any other kinds of sex are what's needed here. The bad news is...well, that there's no secret to it! The simple answer to your question is...

  • Jenna Gaarde

Audrey's question continued: So I'm looking into alternatives. I followed the links on this site about contraception but it looks like my only options are barriers or hormones and that seems like such a drag for me as I'm in a long-term relationship. Please help? WHEN will there be a male...

  • Heather Corinna

I'm most interested in how you feel now about this, and separate from how you think everyone else would feel. Hopefully, if you haven't identified your own feelings yet, my answer can give you some help doing that. So, values. Here's the thing about values: they aren't universal. They also aren't...

  • Robin Mandell

Bravo to you for considering safer sex practices as part of the sexual choices you and your girlfriend make in your relationship! Regardless of the history of the partners involved, thinking and talking about safety is really important. Unfortunately, I've seen a lot of people, including some...

  • Heather Corinna

There is no one, unilateral stance on feminism and BDSM, whether someone is being dominant or submissive; whether women have partners who are men, women, both or neither. For decades, there has been a lot of feminist conversation around it and other aspects of sex with a lot of varied opinion...

  • Heather Corinna

As a product of the withdrawal method myself, you can imagine why I'm not too excited about it. But even if I wasn't, what I know is that it's one of the least effective methods in typical use (only 73% effective), and that even with perfect use (96% effective), it's still less effective than most...

  • Heather Corinna

If you've already spoken to her about your concerns and directed her to some resources for more information, there's really not a lot more you can do when it comes to your friend. I would, however, suggest that you check into the age of consent in your state, since very few states have an age of...

  • Heather Corinna

Hey there, Susie. You're welcome! Birth control pills are equally effective every single day of your cycle so long as you are taking the pills as directed, and on time every day, and without any other medications which could interfere with them. Some antibiotics, for instance, may decrease...

  • Heather Corinna

Condoms are ONLY reliable birth control when they are used for ALL direct genital contact, from start to finish. If you have intercourse without a condom, and only put a condom on later on, then you can't depend on condoms to protect you against pregnancy (or STIs), since it is possible for pre...

  • Heather Corinna

1. First and foremost, understand that terms like "clitoral orgasm" and "vaginal orgasm" aren't actually sensible, and are also really outdated. Orgasm happens primarily in the nervous system, as well as the cardiovascular system. We feel its effects genitally, and it can be -- and often is --...