
  • Asher

Asher talks about how an unhealthy relationship lead them to some questions about, and exploration of, their sexual orientation.

  • Jacob Mirzaian

Welcome to the wonderful world of being a bisexual queer and feeling weird about it! This often means spending our lives moving in and out of environments that are supportive and unsupportive to varying degrees and coming into contact with stereotypes which other people hold in their minds, our own...

  • s.e. smith

Whether someone peeped at your reproductive organs in utero or they waited until after you popped out into the world, one of the first things people probably defined about you was your sex, on the basis of what they found between your legs. Ever since, you’ve been stuck with the assigned gender label of “male” or “female,” and all the baggage that goes along with it. Well, here’s your chance to set that baggage down for a bit, because we’re going to go in deep on sex, gender, and identity.

  • Heather Corinna

Maybe you know what safer sex is. But do you also know what it isn't? Take a minute and fact-check your ideas about what can protect you from STIs and what cannot.

  • Heather Corinna

(Charleten's question continued) Last summer, I came out as a lesbian to my family and friends, because after about a year and half of questioning and soul-searching and doubting and ALL that fun stuff, I concluded that I was romantically and emotionally (and sexually, though again I just am not...