
  • Jenna Gaarde

I am sorry to hear about your stressful sex conundrum. Being in school can be a very stressful and sleep-deprived time, and I am sure that many people can relate to your situation, including myself. Stress is just one of those feelings that has a much larger impact than many people acknowledge: in...

  • Jenna Gaarde
  • Claire P

Meet our good friend, Lube. It can't create world peace, but it can make some kinds of sex more comfortable, masturbation or other sex you already enjoy even better, help prevent condoms from breaking and more.

  • Jenna Gaarde

Everyone is different when it comes to hormonal/menstrual cycles, and there certainly are people who experience more intense effects of physical and psychological changes throughout their cycle than others. Experiencing changes in your mood, how your body responds to different kinds of touch, and...

  • Robin Mandell

First of all, you're completely okay and nothing you've described here means there's anything wrong with you. Nearly all people masturbate or have masturbated in their lives, and most masturbate with the kind of frequency you're describing. As well, it's very normal for little children to masturbate...


Some helps and walkthroughs to create your own toolboxes and hone your skills based on Risky Business: Learning to Consider Risk and Make Sound Sexual Choices. My Core Inventory/Ground Zero/Manifesto for Sexual/Intimate Choices: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. If you feel stuck, it might help to cover one bare basic...

  • Heather Corinna

Choices about sex and intimacy will always involve some risks, and making sound choices when risks, emotions and social high stakes are involved isn't something anyone is magically expert at. How can we learn to do it well, and what are some common things that trip us up?

  • Robin Mandell

First and foremost, no matter what we call it, if masturbation (or any other activity, for that matter) feels pleasurable, that’s the most important thing. Regardless of the names we give things to put them in categories, our bodies are so unique in the way they work that these tidy little...

  • Jacob Mirzaian

Hi feministconundrums, Genital sensitivity -- and sometimes sensitivity of some other body parts, too -- is common for many people after orgasm. The length of time after an orgasm that it can or does last varies from person to person, experience to experience and it can often vary with age too. It...

  • Robin Mandell

In a sentence: you could just take one out of your bag, hand it to your partner, and say "Here, put this on." Or, "Let's get a condom on first." Or, if you want to keep the touch between the two of you going without a condom-stop, how about, "Why don't I slide this on for you." Remember, you can put...

  • Heather Corinna

I thought your question would be a great one to pose to Jaclyn Friedman, a Scarleteen colleague and supporter who is making the internet rounds with a blog book tour right now. I think you'll find what she had to say and share around this very helpful, and I also think her book is one that would...