
How long will it take for a yeast infection to go away?


I just got over a yeast infection, or at least I think its over. I have tried to have sex with my boyfriend twice. Well, it hasn't worked out. When he goes inside me it hurts, and so we stop and we don't go on. Is this normal? It has only been a couple days since I used the yeast infection medicine, and I thought I was clear of infection. How long will this last?

Was this actually diagnosed by a health care provider as being a yeast infection⁠ ? If it was, then your provider should have told you how long you should wait before becoming sexually active⁠ again. If it was not, then you need to get yourself to your health care provider or clinic to get this checked out⁠ . Self-diagnosing vaginal infections is not a good idea. Many infections can be different, but display very similar symptoms. If you don't actually have a yeast infection, but you treat with an OTC yeast infection treatment, you can actually give yourself a yeast infection by upsetting the balance in your vagina⁠ with the treatment. Then you end up with whatever issue you had going on to begin with and then a yeast infection on top⁠ of it and you haven't really treated the actual problem! So if you've never been diagnosed with a yeast infection before by a professional and you diagnosed this one yourself, you'll want to get this checked out ASAP.

If this has been diagnosed as a yeast infection and correctly treated, then you will want to hold off on sexual⁠ activities involving your genitals⁠ for a while. With treatment, most yeast infections take from one to two weeks to clear up entirely. While your symptoms may have subsided, that does not mean that your body has cleared the infection⁠ yet. It is going to take some time, so hold off on sexual activity for a while. Starting back again too soon can inflame your tissues further causing even more discomfort, or you might end up upsetting the balance of things again and causing the infection to flare. Further, if you and your partner⁠ are not using condoms, you will definitely want to start that and your partner should watch for signs of infection in himself. While it is not as common, it is possible for a person with a penis⁠ to pick up a yeast infection and pass it on (or back) to their partner.

Check out the following link for more information:

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