Pregnancy Options

If and when a person is pregnant, there are two main choices to make: to try and stay pregnant with the aim of delivering a birth, or to end a pregnancy with an abortion. There's a world of unique feelings, choices and additional information inside each of those two options, though, and you'll find a lot about it all -- always presented with respect for all options -- here.

  • Heather Corinna

Given when you had your abortion, you're right: you would not have been anything even remotely close to fully dilated. Your provider would have dilated your cervix to some degree, but only as much as is needed for aspiration, which is nothing close to what is needed for childbirth. At 10 weeks, a...

  • Heather Corinna

If you took your pregnancy tests two weeks after your last risk, you can feel pretty confident in the negative results you got. If you did not wait that long, you'll want to retest when it has been two weeks since your last risk. It would be early to have pregnancy symptoms already from a risk two...

  • Heather Corinna

There are a few possibilities. • Maybe she is on the pill, but either doesn't know how to use it properly, or hasn't been using it properly, such as by missing pills, confusing active pills for placebos, or had an interaction with her pill and another medication, like an antibiotic. • Maybe you're...

  • Heather Corinna

Yo, buddy: it's not up to you if your girlfriend sustains her pregnancy or not. It's up to her and her only. You also don't get to decide for her how she terminates her pregnancy, if that is, in fact, what she wants to do. As well, no doctor can give a man the medications needed for a medical...

  • Heather Corinna

Birthright is one of many antichoice/pro-life organizations (like CareNet, Heartbeat International or the NIFLA) which supports a certain kind of pregnancy "help," and we would not recommend anyone go to one of the centers affiliated with them, which they help fund, or others like them; even women...

  • Heather Corinna

Hey there, Gabi. Have a deep breath, and let it out good and slow: it is going to be okay. I want to make something clear from the get-go. YOU are the one who gets the final say here. Not your boyfriend, but also not your Mom, either. Making a choice about a pregnancy is a big deal, it's something...

  • Heather Corinna

If you're considering or planning an abortion, you need to know what your options are, what's involved before, during and afterwards, and how to consider or make this reproductive choice as best you can. We unload abortion for you so that you can inform yourself to be sure it's the right choice for you, and if you choose it, find out what you need to know to best take care of yourself throughout.

  • Heather Corinna

If it has been less than 120 hours since her risk, the best thing -- least expensive, least invasive, easiest -- for her to do would be to obtain emergency contraception. EC can work up to 120 hours after the fact to prevent pregnancy. if she is over 18, she can get it over the counter at any...

  • Heather Corinna

Hey there, anon. I'm sorry you're having such a hard time right now. Without knowing what exactly your doctors had you taking, it's hard for me to fully address your question with as best an answer as I can give. However, if you haven't had any sort of period in two months, I would advise that you...

  • Heather Corinna

It has NEVER been safe to try and terminate a pregnancy with a wire hanger, for crying out loud. PLEASE hear that. Abortions with wire hangers are remnants of the horror stories -- true ones, sadly -- from the days when abortion was illegal. Many women had to have backalley abortions at high cost...