Emotional Struggles

Breakups, lockdowns, conflict with parents, partners or friends, big life changes, mental health issues, coming to terms with your identity, loneliness, rejection, death and other loss and more: the struggle bus of life is packed sometimes. Here's some help and information to help get you through.

  • Andi MacDonald

How to tame those scary, growly feelings and use them for good.

  • Sam Wall

At Scarleteen, we're all about making choices. But sometimes, we see users making choices that are, ultimately, the opposite of the self-care the need in that moment.

  • Heather Corinna

Many people feel they'd like to reproduce, parent, or both in their lives. I wouldn't say either of those things -- that it's "slutty" or "weird" -- are true about these feelings and desires, whatever your age. I'd say the feelings you're having are some of the most common human wants there are, and...

  • Heather Corinna

Some people struggle with strong pregnancy fears when there isn't a pregnancy or hasn't even been any real risk of pregnancy. What's that really about, and how can you move forward?

  • Heather Corinna

Some helps for the care and keeping of you when you're stressed, depressed, riddled with anxiety or fear or going through something wretched and trying to come out the other side.

  • Heather Corinna

I'm most interested in how you feel now about this, and separate from how you think everyone else would feel. Hopefully, if you haven't identified your own feelings yet, my answer can give you some help doing that. So, values. Here's the thing about values: they aren't universal. They also aren't...

  • Heather Corinna

Once, in a sleepless night of Netflix marathoning, someone said something on a show that stuck with me, despite the rest of the night being an unmemorable haze of insomnia. That was, "What's so wonderful about being young is that there are no mistakes, only research." As someone who works with young...

  • Heather Corinna

The big emotion that comes through what you've written here isn't love or loyalty. It's anger. Big, big anger, in giant waves, in what you're saying and in how you've said it. There is so much here -- far more, I think, than your boyfriend using porn, or what's in the porn he's looking at -- that a...

  • CJ Turett

One of the most amazing—and, at times, confusing—things about the world is how there are so many people and also so many different opinions and values that people hold. What seems right and good to one person just may not work for another. There’s no single way of being or one way of thinking that...

  • Heather Corinna

As anyone who works in sex education or sexuality can tell you, when it comes to the questions people ask us, variations on the theme of "Am I normal?" reign supreme. I just spent a half hour going through our advice question queue, doing a search on each page for the word "normal." At the moment...