
If it’s about a system or a part of the human body and how they work, you’ll find it here. Anatomy, body function and whole systems explainers – about all kinds of bodies, and usually presented through a gender-neutral lens – myth and misnomer debunking, help navigating sexual, reproductive and other physical healthcare: it’s all in here.

a lovely elephant happy in their own skin

Highlighted content

  • Al Washburn

This week focuses on Sonya Renee and the folks over at The Body is Not An Apology, a resource devoted to the idea that no one should have to feel ashamed about their body. There are quite a few articles, workshops, and user submissions across a broad range of experiences, with a focus on the intersectional nature of identity and the belief that the personal is political.

  • Sam Wall

The crappy thing about ideal body types is that they are designed to be unreachable by 99.9% of the population: they're unrealistic. They're about satisfying one's conception of what is perfect; that's the very definition of ideal. Unfortunately, some ideals are also really common, especially once...

  • Jacob Mirzaian

Hayley, I'm so sorry you're experiencing the crappy feelings of ‘not being enough’, or even of someone potentially being ‘bored’ of you. It can be extremely painful to have those thoughts and I think it would be best for you to do what you can to start entertaining them as little as possible. It's...

  • Sam Wall

You're asking a common question Arty. I want to turn that question around a little. What difference would it make if this was baby fat? Your answer can tell you a lot about the messages about bodies, beauty, and worth you've internalized over the years. Everyone's answer will be different, and I can...

  • Sam Wall

A guide to getting pleasure and fulfillment out of life from places besides sex or romance.

  • Mo Ranyart

I'm sorry to hear you're feeling insecure in your sexual relationship. It's understandable that you'd feel a bit uncertain about your girlfriend's enjoyment of sex since it sounds like you aren't getting much, if any, honest feedback from her and are worried her responses during sex aren't genuine...

  • Mo Ranyart

First things first - it sounds like your family needs to step back and let you make your own choices here, without adding their own commentary or judgment. They may be coming from a place of concern, but it's misguided and hurtful, and whether they wind up being right about this or not, it's still...

  • Amanda Seely

I'd like to start by addressing your use of the word "sex." Sex can mean anything from masturbation (aka "solo sex"), to manual sex ("fingering"), to oral sex, to anal sex, and of course to what many people mean when they just say "sex" (and what I'm guessing you're referring to in your question)...

  • Sam Wall

soclara continues Because I lost all this weight without any form of exercise outside of basic walking when necessary or working, my body is legitimately disgusting. It's flabby, loose, my breasts are like half empty sacks, my thighs are humongous blobs of fat and cellulite (not exaggerating, not...

  • Sam Wall

Ah yes, the unexpected period gambit. Also known as the "I am not wearing white shorts until I hit menopause" phenomenon. I know it well, as do most people who menstruate. The image of the spreading, red stain on your pants (inevitably in front of the people who pick on you and/or the person you're...