Johanna Schorn

  • Johanna Schorn

We get a lot of questions from users who wonder whether there is a certain way they should act or feel or look, if the way they are doing things is weird or normal, or if there is something wrong with them or how they feel or act or look. I'd say that that topic is in the top three of our most...

  • Johanna Schorn

If you haven't been living under a rock the past few weeks, you'll have noticed that there's big media hoopla about one Julian Assange. Everyone seems to have an opinion and something to say about him, and between Swedish arrest warrants, Interpol searches, public defenses by people like Michael...

  • Johanna Schorn

morphobutterfly's question continued: I've finally found myself in a place where I feel a lot more comfortable with myself, men & sex, & I felt ready to sleep with someone. I didn't have any love & rose-petal fantasies in mind; on the contrary, I felt that I wanted to do it without the drama of any...

  • Johanna Schorn

Before I say anything else, I want to make sure that you understand that it's okay for you to simply not feel like having sex, and to decide to not have it for the time being. You say you don't like sex, and that's absolutely valid: We don't have to like it, at any given time or ever. Now, if you DO...

  • Johanna Schorn

You and your partner have talked about your sexual and relationship history, and it sounds like you've also both tried to be honest in voicing your wants and needs when it comes to sex. That means that you two understand how important communication and honesty are when it comes to having a healthy...

  • Johanna Schorn

This morning, I picked up my mother's copy of “Brigitte”, a German woman's magazine geared at women between 30 and 50. I often borrow the magazine from her, because it tends to have pretty interesting articles. More recently, I've declared myself an out-and-out fan after Brigitte became the first magazine to stop using professional models for their photo spreads. However, what caught my eye today was one of the titles on the cover: “The sex I didn't want – Confessions from a Gray Area”. In my mind, I immediately flashed to the infamous Cosmopolitan article by Laura Sessions Stepp ( A New Kind of Date Rape ). With a funny feeling in my stomach, I flipped to the article.

  • Johanna Schorn

Nimpup's question continues: I know I could go down there and check but, I get too turned on when I see inside it and I just to want to have sex right then and there, so it's very hard for me to look for her. We've tried burning incense that is supposed to help stimulate us but it seems to only...

  • Johanna Schorn

If you are in Italy these days and spend some time watching the news and talking to Italians, you'll notice that there is one topic on everyone's minds and that's rape. In the past few months, there has been extensive media coverage of several rapes that have been perpetrated in the big cities. There has been a huge public outcry coupled with a large demand for more police presence and tougher punishments for rape. Just last week, Prime Minister Berlusconi responded by passing emergency laws to deal with the situation.

  • Johanna Schorn

Relationships can be confusing enough as it is, but if you and your partner don't live in the same area, it can get doubly complicated. If you're thinking about entering an LDR, or if your relationship suddenly turned into an LDR due to changing circumstances, check out this article for some tips and pointers on how to make it work.

  • Johanna Schorn

Sometimes we have no idea how things will affect us, no idea about the million ways in which one event can influence our lives. When I ran out of the driveway that day, across the street and to our house, I had no idea that the hard part was still to come. One volunteer's story of her history with sexual abuse, and her journey to healing.